January 1
All day we were pretty much driving back from California...And we stopped for a photo op at the beach. I look like crap...But being 8 hours in a car my goal wasn't to be pretty!
January 2
YES I realize this is a cheat. Jesse went to the game and didn't take a photo!
The Seahawks are going to the playoffs...The first time to make it with a losing record.
Thanks for such an AMAZING record {if you sense sarcasm you are correct},
but us Seattlites are pretty psyched.
And we know they'll likely be murdered by the Saints at their first playoff game.
Whatev. It's great while it lasts!
January 3
It has been quite cold here in Washington, and this was the site at the dog park today. The entire water area was frozen solid...Just a drip of water came out of the faucet. I felt horrible that the dog couldn't get any water! It doesn't look like this everywhere, but, where the sun hasn't hit the pavement there is several inches of ice. Yikes.
So from here on out I will *hopefully* be posting a photo a day that summarizes the day!
Soon....Stories {and photos} from our vacation!!
Have a great week.