Thank goodness it's friday.
I was thinking today, how much changes in a week.
Sunday of last week, our good friends who are a family of four
moved to Fort Bragg.
Tuesday of last week our friend Ashley, who was staying with us for almost 2 months,
finally got orders to join her husband in Germany.
Thursday she left for her home state.
Thursday we drive up to North Carolina to visit our friends.
Sunday we came home.
Tuesday, Ashley flew out to Germany, where she will be visiting with her husband until the big "D" comes.
Today, I'm grateful that I have these friends, I am also grateful that I've had some down time.
I wasn't supposed to have a ton of down time, I was supposed to do some FRG (Family Readiness Group, for the non-military readers)-realated training this week, but Stryker got sick again so I had to ditch those plans and take him into the doctor. Again.
So today, Friday, I am thankful it's the weekend.
I am thankful I'm able to spend 2 whole days alone with my husband, it sure has been awhile!
I'm thankful that Stryker is feeling better,
and that Spuz is feeling normal (even though I just watched him cover his wet food with my sweatshirt...weirdo).
Today I have to take the dog out to play, go to the store, make some awesome looking amazing cupcakes (photo to follow)
attempt to go to the gym (preparation for awesome looking amazing cupcakes)
and make a class 6 stop (a convenience like store that sells liquor, wine, and beer...Again for the non-military readers).
All before we attend a BBQ with some friends of ours.
I'm not sure what the weekend will bring, but I'm looking forward to it.
I hope everyone has a fun-filled weekend.
If you're anywhere down south, you're probably having some beautiful weather...
We've been battling this 80 degree weather, it's been tough;)
Happy Friday!